HSC 350 MG

63.000,- € net

Machine price with specified standard equipment
(Notes on our price transparency)

Our smallest and “lightweight” machine. With only 700kg still easy to handle but solid and strong enough for outstanding surface quality. The mineral die cast basement and portal structure are rigid and vibration damping.

The 40-station HSK-E25 tool changer belongs to standard equipment as well as a water cooled 40.000rpm spindle with up to 6kW power.

The HSC 350 is also extremely space efficient! With only 1060mm x 960mm x 2100mm (LxWxH, without operators panel) it fits through almost every door.

Standard equipment:

  • T slot table with additional fitting holes 16H7 in 50/100mm grid
  • Hand wheel for controlling up to 6 axis with override for feed rate and spindle rpm
  • automatic tool length measurement and break detection
  • joblist and zero point offset managemt
  • network ready machine control for easy access and integration
  • semi automatic central lubrication system

Technical data

Feature HSC 350 MG
Axis count 3
Travel (XYZ)
380 mm x 350 mm x 180 mm
Axis of rotation optional
Swivel axis optional
Mounting surface (XY) 368 mm x 360 mm
max. table load 150 kg
Diffuser height Z 210 mm
max. speed 7 (10)* m/min
Spindle and tools
Speed range rpm 5.000 – 40.000
Spindle power (water cooled) 4kW (S1-100%), 6kW (S6-40%)
Tool clamping HSK-E25
Tool changer 40-fach
max. length from lower edge of spindle cone 110 mm
max. tool length (depending on collet length) approx. 70 mm
Dimensions (XYZ) 1070 mm x 1010 mm x 2090 mm
Table load 700 kg
Compressed air connection 6-7 bar
Connected load 3×400 V / 16 A
Power 6 kVA

* Optional drive version


  • 3D probe as a set-up aid for workpiece probing

  • Other spindles on request

  • Rotary milling and engraving device, turning and swivel axes, 2-axis dividing heads for 5-axis machining
  • Direct path measurement for high working accuracy (glass scales and inductive)

  • Spray cooling unit, cold air connections, extraction of various substances and materials