HSC 5A-250 MG

178.000,- € net

Machine price with specified standard equipment
(Notes on our price transparency)

Our big 5 axis machine is neither an extended nor a reworked machine. It is designed for 5 axis milling from the very beginning and made from mineral die cast with all the advantages. Therefore you can mill a 250mm cube (max. part diameter 270mm) from all sides and all directions, without remounting! And even much bigger parts are possible when you do not need all working directions the same time. The linear motors with their direct position measurement system deliver the same outstanding performance as the torque motors do for turn and tilt axis.

Unbelievable 60 station HSK-E25 tool changer helps you out with standard or special tools in single piece production as well as spare tool in series production.

Additionally we offer an automatic handling system for raw material blocks and work pieces. With 32 stations it is prepared for series production.

Standard equipment:

  • prepared for EROWA zero point clamping system
  • Hand wheel for controlling up to 6 axis with override for feed rate and spindle rpm
  • automatic tool length measurement and break detection
  • joblist and zero point offset management
  • network ready machine control for easy access and integration
  • semi automatic central lubrication system

Technical data

Feature HSC 5A-250 MG
Axis count 5
Travel (XYZ) 520 mm x 265 mm x 340 mm
Axis of rotation endlos
Swivel axis bis 110°
Mounting surface (XY) X: 250 mm x 250 mm
Y: ø 280 mm
max. table load 20 kg
Diffuser height Z 250 mm
max. speed 10 m/min
Spindle and tools
Speed range rpm 5.000 – 40.000
Spindle power (water cooled) 4kW (S1-100%), 6kW (S6-40%)
Tool clamping HSK-E25
Tool changer 60x
max. length from lower edge of spindle cone 180 mm
max. tool length (depending on collet length) approx. 140 mm
Dimensions (XYZ) 1610 mm x 1410 mm x 2170 mm
Table load 3300 kg
Compressed air connection 6-7 bar
Connected load 3×400 V / 32 A
Power 15 kVA


  • 3D probe as a set-up aid for workpiece probing

  • Other spindles on request

  • Rotary milling and engraving device, turning and swivel axes, 2-axis dividing heads for 5-axis machining
  • Direct path measurement for high working accuracy (glass scales and inductive)

  • Spray cooling unit, cold air connections, extraction of various substances and materials